Monday, December 29, 2008

Once in awhile.....

I take pictures constantly. There's a never ending stream of 'let me get my camera' or 'look at the camera' and my all time favorite,' stop clowning around so I can get a good picture for once!'

And finally it happened. Isaac was upset with Mackenzie over something, so he went into my mother's room, jumped onto her rather high sitting bed and was somewhat pouting. I came in, camera already in hand, and took a picture of his sad face. :( Then Ev snuck in and I started snapping silly pictures. And then, God stretched out his hand and said, "Jess here's something like a gold star.' and ~poof~ a perfectly beautiful picture of Isaac and Evan Grace together.

So stop holding your breath, blink once last time to make sure you're eyes are clear....and wait for it....




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