Monday, March 24, 2008

Just one of those days

It's just one of those days that I wish had never started.
...that I wish I was single again, with no kids, and little responsibility.
...that I wish I was back in college, hanging out with Alison and Donnie.
...that I wish I was back in Virginia, bundled up reading a book, because Oct in Virginia is a different cold than Alabama.
It's one of those days that I wish I could spend by myself, doing nothing but reading and watching TV.
It's one of those days that I wish I didn't have to do the regular two loads of laundry, cook lunch and dinner, then clean up afterwards.
It's one of those days that I wish I didn't have to worry about whatever one has to wear to church tomorrow, and is it clean?
It's one of those days that I wish I didn't have to do the dishes three times a day, or sweep and vaccumm and wash down counters.
It's one of those days that I wish I could leave the beds unmade and not have to help Mackenzie study her history.
It's one of those days that I wish all the toys would stay in their respectful places and the TV is never turned to Disney or Sprout.
It's one of those days that I wish I didn't have to change diapers or help when someone goes 'potty'.
It's one of those days that I wish I just didn't have to do it all anymore.
But wishing never really gets you anywhere.

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