Monday, February 1, 2010

Birthday Festivities

Everyone knows that candles don't lie, especially when they have been set aflame.

My mother decided this was the time to try and learn how to use all the settings on her camera for the best shot, made my dad and twin sister stand amidst the messy kitchen for this picture. I don't know about you, but I think she should have been practicing the past few days.

My dad to my mom, " You should take pictures of mannequins instead of people. "

(Isn't my sister sassy with her hip cocked out like that? )

I did make out with some great birthday loot though. More sewing books and patterns (I'm so excited about the Amy Butler book on the bottom...when I grow up....I want to be Amy Butler)

The Book of'll see with some posts to come this week that I'm back on making my own yogurt and not just yogurt but cheese, soft cheese to be more exact. This book is full to bursting with recipe after recipe of dishes including yogurt. I can't wait to whip up some goodies from this book. Oh the nifty flower book is a journal from my sister, so very cool. I love journals.

I'm ready to be 32, I'm embracing it......32.....bring it on!

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