Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A New Look.

I was able to get this shelf and canvas boxes for $20 at a local flea market here in town. Though I liked it and loved how it fit perfectly into my bathroom the canvas boxes were dirty and after scrubbing and scrubbing were not going to get any cleaner. So I decided to recover them. Though the walls in my bathroom are not the colors I want I've slowly started doing a black and white theme in there.

The boxes are 7'' x 7'' so I took some fabric and cut a strip 9'' high by 30'' long.

Sew with wrong sides together a seam down the two short ends. This seam will go on the back of your boxes so it wont be seen and doesn't have to be perfect, unless you're the perfectionist type. =)

Slip this cover over the box with the seam in the back. Leave enough fabric hanging over the top and bottom  of the box to fold in.  

Start with the open end of the box. Using a hot glue gun neatly glue the fabric to the inside of the box as smoothly as possible.
Once the top is finished, flip the box over and glue the bottom fabric into place, kinda like you would a present. Remember to keep it nice and neat.
You can leave your finished box like this or.......
....you can get fancy and add in some pretty lace around the top with the glue gun.

Here's the finished project. The more I look at it, the more the red one just bugs me. I'll redo it with another black and white fabric of some kind. I was hopping the red pop of color would work but I'm not pleased. (Oh and try to imagine this in front of white walls with no flower border...that might be what's throwing off the red with the black and white!!! Hmmmmmm )

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