Monday, October 5, 2009

Football shakers.

My cousin, Connor, is a few months older than Mackenzie and he plays 8th grade football this year. He's really good and we've made everyone home game he's had this far except for one rainy, cold one. My aunt, Connor's mom, of course made up a sign that said Go, Connor Go and she let Isaac and Evan Grace take turns holding it up and cheering for their cousin. They loved it. The more games we go to, the more they get into the excitement of the game and the crowd.

Evan Grace watches the cheerleaders and copies the cheers about 2 beats after the cheerleaders. Isaac is convinced that his 'superpowers' actually help Cousin Connor's team and doesn't hesitate to stand up in the stands, stretch out his arms and call down lava on the other team, or a wind storm to blow the ball out of the opposing teams hands.

But the reason for my post. I wanted to give them something else to celebrate and enjoy at the football games other than a cardboard sign or heaven forbid a pompom. So we made shakers after school one day. They filled their empty water bottles half full of cheap plastic beads. I printed out a black and orange (school colors, go RR!!!) banner that said Go Connor, pasted it around the bottle and added some football ribbon as well as school color ribbons around the top.

They shake them everyday, getting in practice for the next football game. I think they turned out pretty well and boy are they loud. I don't know why Mackenzie didn't want to make one.... :)

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