Thursday, October 29, 2009

Two Very Different Bags.

Bag number 1 is just a simple little shoulder bag that I fell in love with the design. However I didn't seem to pick out the most durable fabric. Though I love the gray with the circles (cause you know me and my passion for circles and dots) I loved the touch of the hot pink inside. Oh and props to Mackenzie for being a good sport and modeling it for me while I took picture over picture to get it right. I apologize that her clothing and Gothic glove didn't really match the look and style of the purse. :)

Bag number 2 (I apologize for the ugliness of the background of these pictures. Seems they only way I could get any detail was to use this horrible setting. I'll do better next time, promise).

This is a wristlet. Have you seen these things? They are growing wildly popular and I started seeing them popping up on Etsy. I thought about buying myself and my mom one but then I thought...huh I can sew that. Sure enough I can. I took a few shots of this bag in action but I think I might have made the long strap a little too....well long. See how the long strap goes through the smaller one? Then you're suppose to slip the longer strap over your hand and wrist and it's suppose to hang from your wrist whilst you shop. How cool is that. It's big enough to hold my wallet, keys, cell phone and a lipstick. If you're desperate you could even squeeze a paperback in there!

I took this perfect purse to the movies with the kids the other day and LOVED it! I didn't have to worry about setting my purse in the floor or the kids stepping into it in the dark. I was able to slip the long handle over the cup holder and viola!!!! So very cool.

So all I have to do is whip up another one. This time I'm going to add in some interfacing, something thin but sturdy and maybe pick a tougher fabric for the outside.

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